About Us

Roy and Jeremy Lormis, a Father and Son Team with more than 25 years experience in the construction industry, started Home Pros Express to provide home and business owners a reliable resource for solving home and business maintenance and repair needs. Specifically and foremost, we are here to help you complete the projects that are too small or insignificant for other contractors or service companies. We understand that it can be frustrating when you are trying to get a contractor to show up for a simple drywall repair or some other small project and no one shows up. We know from our own experiences that it can be difficult to get quality, highly skilled professional technicians to complete smaller projects, and we have focused our services on filling this need. We are more than just a handyman service, we are a team of highly skilled technicians dedicated to providing high-quality craftsmanship for basic maintenance and repair needs. Need help hanging a painting, patching a hole, replacing a fixture, or moving your patio furniture? Call us and we will be there to help. But our services don’t stop there – we can also help with your larger projects as well. Ready for a total bathroom or kitchen renovation? We do that too! Give us a call today!